2010 ACA Summit, May 5 – 7 in San Francisco, CA
The Angel Capital Association’s annual conference includes best practices and networking with peers and “rock star” investors. The event attracts angels who invest in groups from around the world. ACEF offers a Pre-Summit agenda that includes several full- and half-day professional education workshops and seminars.Exit: CoreNetwork Has Exit in Twelve Months with Pump
Engineering, LLC
CoreNetwork of Toledo, OH
recently completed a successful exit with Pump Engineering, LLC,
doubling the angel group’s investment in about twelve months. This is
the group’s third successful exit in six years.
C Corporation Versus LLC: Which Entity Should Angels
Invest In?
Angel groups invest in LLCs and C
corporations. Depending on investor objectives, there are advantages
and limitations to each type of entity. These considerations are
addressed from legal, accounting, and angels’ points of view.
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To read the full, original article click on this link: Angel Capital Education Foundation / ACEF Newsletter
Author: ACEF