Undermine their pompous authority . . . make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible . . .
Sid Vicious
In the midst of all the current handwringing and polemic about disruption, maybe it’s time to step back and figure out exactly what it is everyone is arguing about. When we do that, and when we dig a bit beneath the surface hysteria, we’ll find the same old business problems lurking about; they’re just lost in the disruption debate behind a flurry of acronyms, “new” paradigms and slogans — stuff like “disrupt or be disrupted.” Like most strategic tautologies, this mantra will tend to mean something only to the already-converted, and like all the other noise about disruption, will add little to actual business outcomes.
To read the original article: Disruptive Innovation Is Nonsense