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Michael “Luni” Libes thinks he has a great idea for a business but is worried no wealthy investors will help fund his startup.

“It’s a business accelerator for socially conscious companies,” Libes said. “It’s in a space that doesn’t have a lot of investor capital.”

But Libes, an entrepreneur and instructor at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute, a 12-year-old accredited business school, is hopeful a new state law will allow him to try to raise money in small increments from a large group of investors through crowdfunding.

Image: Michael “Luni” Libes is an entrepreneur who plans to raise money for his fledgling business through crowdfunding later this year. He is in front of the members wall at Impact Hub Seattle. - MARK HARRISON / THE SEATTLE TIMES   

To read the original article: Some entrepreneurs skeptical of state's new tool for raising capital | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times