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L.L. Bean planned to close its Bangor call center near Bangor International Airport a month earlier than first scheduled, officials announced Jan. 28, 2016. 
BDN File
L.L. Bean planned to close its Bangor call center near Bangor International Airport a month earlier than first scheduled, officials announced Jan. 28, 2016.

PORTLAND, Maine — Rural counties are faring progressively worse in recent recoveries from economic downturns, according to a new study, as new business increasingly gravitates toward the country’s largest metropolitan areas.

Economic Innovation Group, a think tank founded by Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs and investors, last week released its findings based on analysis of census and Bureau of Labor Statistics data on business and job growth.

Image: BDN File L.L. Bean planned to close its Bangor call center near Bangor International Airport a month earlier than first scheduled, officials announced Jan. 28, 2016.