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The Spring/Summer 2010 Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Project Survey Report is now ready for download
You can download the complimentary report here: Spring/Summer 2010 Report.

In this 160-page report, you'll find expected returns by capital providers (senior lenders, asset-based lenders, mezzanine funds, private equity groups, venture capital, angel investors, and factors), business owners' opinions of costs and benefits of various sources of private capital, business appraisers' estimates of various cost of capital components, current leverage and deal multiples, industry and economic outlooks, and much more!

Looking ahead, our Fall 2010 survey window will open on August 30th. We have undertaken a number of survey revisions to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete the surveys. All surveys are now designed to be completed in 20 minutes or less. If you have any suggestions or wish to join our survey advisory panel, please let me know. 
Also, please join our LinkedIn group, Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Project, by clicking Join Group and add me to your LinkedIn network by clicking here: Add to Network.  
Finally, as you're aware, the growth and success of our project are dependent upon people like you so, once again, thank you for your support!
Respectfully yours,

John K. Paglia, Ph.D., CFA, CPA, ASA
Denney Academic Chair
Associate Professor of Finance
Senior Researcher, Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Project
Graziadio School of Business and Management
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA 90263 
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