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While small business gets talked up in the economic recovery plan, lending to small business is still down--by $40 billion--from what it was two years ago. Entrepreneurs are grumbling. And Karen G. Mills, head of the SBA, is taking questions.

For glass-half-full types, President Barack Obama's proclamation this spring that his administration "is committed to helping small businesses drive our economy toward recovery and long-term growth" was another indication that small business has a true ally in the White House.

For others, however, those words provided another stinging reminder of how policymakers in Washington have failed to back their statements with action. Despite repeated assurances from the administration, accompanied by a flurry of new pro-entrepreneur initiatives, small-business supporters such as Todd McCracken, president of the National Small Business Association in Washington, D.C., are concerned that policymakers remain largely beholden to big business, just as they were when George W. Bush ran the White House.

To read the full, original article click on this link: But Where Is the Money? -

Author: David Port