I love e-mail. I love its efficiency, its clarity and the fact that it creates a detailed, searchable record.
E-mail also makes me a little nuts. If I'm away from it for a couple of hours, messages pile up. When I confront more than 50, I feel a combination of depression, weariness and low-grade panic, until I make that "unread" number disappear.
My method: Scan the pile for urgent notes from bosses, sources, friends
or family, attending to the most important first. Then I go through the
rest quickly, starting from the bottom. I delete junk. When I need to
answer, I do so right away. If my response requires time, I make a note
on my to-do list for later.
To read the full, original article click on this link: How To Conquer Your E-Mail Inbox - Forbes.com
Author: Susan Adams