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<b>Chase Perry is Nashville Capital Network's new director.</b>The online instructions are clear enough, but for an entrepreneur who has put a lot of sweat, a little blood and some of his own money into an unproven idea, the words sound somewhat bureaucratic.

"Entrepreneurs interested in accessing the services and members of the Nashville Capital Network must first complete this short online questionnaire, in which they provide a brief overview of the company. Ventures that are judged appropriate … will be asked to submit an executive summary and business plan. You can then expect a call to discuss your plan."

We're all accustomed to sending important letters or e-mails to nameless, faceless recipients who sit in judgment of our resumes, loan requests, credit scores or college entrance applications. So, perhaps it's no surprise that entrepreneurs in search of investors have to begin the same way — by filling out a form to be reviewed by an unseen expert.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Startups thrill angel group's director | | The Tennessean

Author: Randy McClain