Most people think today’s most urgent challenge is to create millions of new jobs. But we face more threatening challenges: global warming, aging populations, pandemic disease, bankrupt governments, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation to name just a few. During this decade, we must face up to a slew of survival questions. For example: How can we
- Expand without exhausting resources or intensifying global warming?
- Provide enough food and clean water for 10 billion people?
- Afford to deliver quality health care to an aging population?
- Educate our children to thrive in an increasingly competitive world?
- Build an efficient infrastructure that is safe from cyber attack?
At first glance, these seem like social questions – and they are.
But look more closely and you’ll also see huge business opportunities
that will generate new jobs.
To read the full, original article click on this link: INNOVATION + ENTREPRENEURSHIP = JOBS « Dick Stieglitz’s Change Blog
Author: dstieglitz