t our request, Marc Stoiber, the vice-president for green innovation at Maddock Douglas and a veteran in the relatively young field of sustainability, sat down and created a list of what companies and marketers need to do to make "greenness" (consideration for the welfare of the planet) take hold within their firms and, more important, in the marketplace.
We have absolutely no doubt, as Daniel C. Esty and Andrew S. Winston pointed out in their book Green to Gold (Wiley, 2009), traditional green priorities (reduce, reuse, recycle) will be surpassed by the two new priorities of sustainable innovation: reimagine and redesign. But our question to Marc was, what could companies do to get in front of the curve?
With that by way of background, here are Marc's (with a little bit of help from us) Five C's of Sustainability Branding.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The Five C's of Sustainability Branding - BusinessWeek