Until now European innovation policies have relied purely on technological push, but this focus has not
been as effective as the pure concentration on marketing and non-technological factors would
have been. E.g. today business models interlink with technology and innovation is not
necessarily technological. This means that technology in general follows the business model,
not vice-versa.
Thus EGDF welcomes all efforts to extend the definition of innovation from purely
technological innovations to innovations related to content, services and business models. An
intelligent innovation strategy should be both flexible and a combination of different elements
of innovation, in order to make the difference.
Therefore EGDF would like to see even more user driven approach from Commission when it
comes to innovations. As Commission has concluded, non-technological aspects of the
innovation process, such as design and marketing, are increasingly important to getting more
innovative products and services in the marketplace. But beside design and marketing, also
content and business models are crucial areas of innovation.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Main achievements and shortcomings of EU policies in support of innovation | Developerfront - Texte für Spieleentwickler in Deutsch und English