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Founded by Rich Bendis


Making predictions can be a tricky business. Nevertheless, Xconomy recently brought together some of San Diego’s most prominent life sciences leaders to offer their vision for what the regional biotech cluster will be like in five years.

They broadly agreed that San Diego has proven itself as a great seedbed for life sciences startups. The list of recent buyouts includes Life Technologies ($13.6 billion), CareFusion ($14.4 billion), Receptos ($7 billion), Seragon Pharmaceuticals ($725 million), Aragon Pharmaceuticals ($1 billion), and Auspex Pharmaceuticals ($3.2 billion). Yet one central question arising from their discussion went largely unanswered: Are there specific steps this region can take to boost the life sciences ecosystem so that more seedling biotechs can become independent global giants and remain in San Diego?

Image: Photo by Teresa LoJacono