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Email, smartphones, Twitter and Facebook have made it a brand new world for etiquette. Emily Post can’t help us with contemporary conundrums of politeness — how do you avoiding annoying people with email (while also ensuring everyone who needs to gets the message)? If you’re having lunch with someone should you ignore your bleeping phone or are you being rude to the caller?

Without your grandmother’s admonitions to guide you, young people are forced to navigate a social landscape mined liberally with technology as best they can. A whole host of guides are offering contradictory advice, however. Peggy Nelson, in an in-depth post at Nieman Storyboard, argues that attending to your phone over dinner isn’t the serious sin against etiquette it first appears to be, as “we’ve moved from the etiquette of the individual to the etiquette of the flow.” (HT to

To read the full, original article click on this link: Is Technology Making You Rude? Arguing Digital Etiquette | BNET

Author: Jessica Stillman