A humble business like a hot dog cart can earn entrepreneurs a huge income. Imagine earning $100,000 or more working when you want and being your own boss. To reach the six figure level will take some, knowledge, effort, time, enthusiasm, and persistence but the rewards are amazing.
Perry ’The Hot Dog Guy’ has revised his ’Hot Dog Cart Secrets’ program to show entrepreneurs exactly how to increase their hot dog business profits and earn that six figure income. Perry will give them step by step instructions on exactly what they need to do.
Taking a look at some of the simple math of running a hot dog cart business. A hot dog, bun, and topping cost on the average 50 cents and most vendors can sell it for $2.25 that is $1.75 profit per hot dog. A cart that sells 100 dogs a day earns at least $45,000 operating five days a week. Now add a small fee of say 50 cents per extra topping and the profits increase dramatically.
To read the full, origin
Author: Julian Farley