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 Images Lego-Buildings-4Adam Reed Tucker used to be an architect. Now, one of 11 "LEGO Certififed Professionals" in the world, he builds scale models of iconic buildings out of LEGOs. Tucker's creations are currently on display in the LEGO Architecture: Towering Ambition exhibition at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. From Smithsonian:
You got your degree in architecture from Kansas State University in 1996. How did you get from there to Lego Certified Professional?

In a nutshell, I worked for a number of architecture firms, and then I had my own practice.  One day I had this idea of doing something a little different, being inspired by the events of 9/11 and realizing that a lot of people from the general public were intimidated by vertical architecture—skyscrapers. They weren’t really visiting the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, because of what happened to the World Trade Center.

To read the full, original article click on this link: LEGO architect recreates famous buildings - Boing Boing

Author: David Pescovitz