Foundups ™ is the brainchild of Michael J. Trout. By definition, a foundup "is a founder with an idea of a lean startup bootstrapping a proof of concept." Foundups ™ is built around Michael’s 16 years of startup development experience. Since beginning Foundups ™, Michael created the DC Foundups™ meetup group (June 18, 2010) to help folks with technology startup ideas. The meetings are held every 3rd Thursday from 6:30pm- 9:30pm. Each week one foundup is chosen to sit in the "hot seat," while the members play the role of board members, each attacking very specific problems and issues the foundup is having. This is in an effort to help them move in the right direction. At the last meetup, the presenter was D.C. attorney Arron Titus and his very innovative foundup called ""
“Say Mondo is an English Pronunciation website. Let’s say that English is your second language and you have to give a presentation to a boss or client. You type the presentation into Then a native English speaker records your presentation, sends you a downloadable link to an MP3, you practice your pronunciation and nail your presentation.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: DC Foundups™ at 1410Q: Changing the World of Startups |