Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

SSTI’s 14th Annual Conference, Accelerating Innovation: The Road Ahead for Tech-based Economic Development, offers the knowledge, tools and connections that TBED professionals need to chart a course for success. Join your friends and colleagues September 14-16 in Pittsburgh to examine the future of the U.S. high-tech economy and regional innovation. Federal officials, governors and state and regional TBED leaders will all be on hand to share strategies and resources that can help your region create high-quality jobs.
This year's conference features an expanded 2 1/2 day format with preconference workshops designed to:

  • Provide new ideas on how states and regions can capitalize on emerging clean, green opportunities (learn more);
  • Enhance your TBED strategy through marketing, leveraging technology assets, and collaborating with universities and federal labs for research and commercialization (learn more); and,
  • Demonstrate proven policies and strategies for successful tech-based economic development practice to those who are new to the field (learn more).

To register and learn more about the conference visit: