Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

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Add Us In Initiative:
Department of Labor Office program to develop and evaluate replicable models, strategies and policies to ensure that youth and adults with disabilities from diverse communities have access to a broader range of employment and mentoring opportunities. The program is designed to increase the ability of businesses owned, operated and controlled by African Americans; Asian Americans; Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender individuals, and women to employ adults and youth with disabilities. Consortia applying for the cooperative agreement must have representation from a number of organization types. Deadline: September 1, 2010.

Disability Employment Initiative: The Department of Labor announced a solicitation for grant applications for approximately $22 million to fund programs that will improve educational, training and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Funds will be awarded to state workforce agencies, which will collaborate with workforce investment boards and local areas. Grant awards will range from $1.5 to $6 million each to be spent over a three-year period. Closing date: September 8, 2010.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Funding Opportunity News from N.A.C.E.D.A., August 23, 2010