Debates about women in technology are like merry-go-rounds: There’s a lot of movement and excitement but you always end up back in the same place.
TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington argued that in Silicon Valley (and by extension, the tech business in general) success is based on merit alone and that nobody is keeping women down. The problem, as far as he is concerned, is simply that women just don’t want to start companies. These are arguments I’ve heard before — and that are, at best, naïve. Merit alone is rarely enough to ensure success and women are starting more companies than ever (if not in technology). But instead of getting mired in arguments and counterarguments, I’ll make some suggestions on how to change the situation for the better.
I’ve written before about how to get more women into technology. How do we maximize the female assets already out there?
To read the full, original article click on this link: Women in tech: What to do now | VentureBeat
Author: Ciara Byrne