Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


2019 has kicked off with a wave of innovative health care solutions highlighted at mega-conferences like CES and the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference - from the introduction of the first wearable blood pressure monitor to virtual home health care for seniors to online vision tests allowing patients to renew prescriptions from anywhere at anytime. We are truly living through an age of disruption spurred by technological advances.

This is the world I could only dream of when I first launched Prescience International in 2004 - the world that did not exist when I found myself battling a life-threatening infectious bug bite from a hospital bed in Beijing and was told I wouldn’t make it. It’s the world that I have dedicated my career to building as the Global Head of Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS – fighting for those patients and consumers who are waiting for the types of inventive solutions that address their specific needs.

Image: Melinda Richter