Continuing the thoughts on metrics from Part 1 last week! :
2. Plan the Path – Now that you have a direction to point your innovation efforts at, it’s time to plan the path to get to that effort. In the same way that strategy documents are formulated with multiple time points to set milestones for where the company wants to be at 1,3, and 5 years – so should your innovation plan and strategy as to how you’re going to help the company achieve those aims and the contribution the innovation program will make to the company’s strategic aims.
Your innovation pipeline will be led and directed by the strategic context of the program (see step 1 from last week) below, which follows the general form of:
i) Find and Identify the problems or barriers to achieving the strategic objectives and define each tightly in terms of applicability, feasibility, and commitment to implementation of the solution. Then decide upon the order in which to tackle those problems.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation » Innovation Metrics – Part 2
Author: Boris Pluskowski