Every weekend, a group of poor farmers in Kanakpura village, in Karnataka, sit in a huddle infront of a television set to watch a video. The novelty doesn’t lie in the idiot box any more—they have known it for years. What brings them together is the video itself—a film that will help them increase their yeild of crops manifold and subsequently their profits.
The video, developed by a small firm, Digital Green, talks about agricultural patterns, new methods of farming and useful techniques that are being used by farmers in neighbouring villages. It tries to convince the farmers that the same techniques would benefit their lot as well. The owner of Digital Green, 28-year old Rikin Gandhi is an aeronautical engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has worked with Oracle and consulted companies like Microsoft. He even made it to the US Air Force as a trainee pilot. “But my strong roots called me back to India, says Gandhi, whose hails from Gujarat’s Nadiad town.
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