A majority of the advice aimed at helping startups manage relationships
with venture capitalists is tailored for when that startup is raising or
has raised funding. Certainly a lot of the interaction between startups
and investors takes place during and after financing rounds, but there
is a lot entrepreneurs can be doing before they seek funding to set
themselves up for success with VCs. In a response to a question on the Q&A site Quora, VC Mark Suster offered his advice to entrepreneurs on how to manage relationships with VCs before fundraising begins.
Suster's first point is to pick and choose which VCs you decide to build
a relationship with very carefully. There's no point in spending time
on a relationship with a VC who is irrelevant to your product sector or
who you can't imagine actually working with in the future (for any
reason). It's a lot like dating when you think about it - if you're
seriously looking to meet your future spouse, why waste time dating
someone you'd never consider marrying?
To read the full, original article click on this link: The Startup Financing Dating Game: Courting Potential Investors
Author: Chris Cameron