In his look back over the past week, Siliconrepublic editor John Kennedy senses a new sense of urgency, energy and innovation among Ireland’s venture capital community. Could the conditions not be greater for a technology start-up in Ireland today?
If you think about it, 20 years ago there was no venture capital industry in Ireland to speak of. Venture capital as an industry is one that needs to be thoroughly understood if we are to ever gain that goal of being the Silicon Valley of Europe.
My first dealings with venture capitalists came about pretty much at the end of the Nineties, when I got to know players like ACT Venture Capital, Delta and Trinity Capital. At that time, Iona was an acclaimed success story, Baltimore was in the FTSE 100 and Trintech was readying itself for Nasdaq.
To read the full, original article click on this link: A new era for venture capital investment in Ireland? - Start Ups | - Ireland's Technology News Service