Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

RothwellDoug.jpgA year after offering a plan to turn around Michigan’s economy, Business Leaders for Michigan now seeks to spur and better commercialize innovation by partnering with the state’s top three research universities.

The partnership with the University Research Corridor, know as Accelerate Michigan, will seek to “champion” innovation and entrepreneurship and increase capital available to young companies.

The initiative stems from benchmarking data that shows that Michigan ranks highly in generating intellectual property at research universities — fifth overall nationally, with research-and-development spending of $1.40 billion in 200 that rivals North Carolina’s Research Triangle — though it lags many states in commercializing those innovations.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Business Leaders for Michigan partners with universities to push innovation |

Author: Mark Sanchez | Business Review West Mich...