Angel investors are an intimidating bunch, but for many entrepreneurs the potential boon to a startup business that an angel investment can represent makes them a necessary evil. Ok maybe evil is not the right term,
but the angel investment process can be scary. Here are 3 facts that you should know about angel investors from the report titled, "What Entrepreneurs Should Know About Angel Investors."
30% of Angel Investor Groups Invest in Companies Within a 2 Hour Drive - This can be a scary reality for companies that are based in a rural setting. Even if you are located in a major metropolitan area there is no guarantee that there will be an angel investor group close by to apply for funding. If you are not sure where the nearest angel investor group is for your business, make sure to visit both the Angel Capital Association and the Angel Capital Education Foundation website for a directory.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The 3 Most Terrifying Truths About Angel Investors - Associated Content -