When you think about starting a company, you’ll have plenty of sleepless nights.
On some evenings, you’ll be thinking about the problem you want to solve. On others it’s whether you’ll need funding. How you’ll generate revenue and how you’ll eventually turn a profit are more good fuel for insomnia. But before you can address any of these concerns, you need to make another critical decision: Just who’s going to address them with you.
Picking the right co-founders is arguably the most important step you can take in starting your business. It’s even more important than picking the right VCs, because it ultimately sets the DNA for your company. Here are a few things that I’ve learned about picking the right co-founders and working with them.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 3 things to look for when choosing your co-founders | VentureBeat
Author: Zephrin Lasker