Recently I took part in a program whose front end featured a talk by Joseph Ackerman, CEO of Elbit Industries, a leading Israeli defense contractor. Ackerman spoke about innovation in management, his own philosophy, and illustrated his approach with the H W principle.
On the screen he showed a large “H” and a large “W”. “H” stands for height. You can do nothing about your height, he explained. You are born with it, it is determined by your genes. Accept it, live with it. “W” stands for weight. You CAN do something about your weight. If you are underweight, you can fatten up. If you are overweight, you can exercise and slim. It is not easy, but it is possible.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Do You Know the Difference Between Height and Weight ? A Prayer for Innovators « TIMnovate
Author: Shlomo Maital