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KWR International, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in global market entry, has identified six critical steps for businesses looking to break into foreign markets. The steps include detailed guidelines and tips about foreign vs. local market differentiation, timing market entry decisions, tips on due diligence, market entry project management, tips for small companies and guidelines for taking the initial steps into foreign markets.

“International expansion has been a hot topic for some time yet it is now more important than ever before, particularly when one is speaking of expansion into emerging Asian markets,” according to Keith W. Rabin, president, KWR International, Inc. a research, communications and consulting firm. Rabin was recently interviewed by Business Xpansion Journal and noted in an article that international markets "will increasingly constitute the primary source of global growth moving forward as the United States and Europe continue to deleverage and demand remains stagnant.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Six steps for breaking into foreign markets |