Chester Gould first introduced Dick Tracy, the legendary police detective, to the American public in 1931, back when he launched his syndicated comic strip – a strip that he would continue writing until 1977. The character resonated immediately, and soon enough, Dick Tracy took to the airwaves (listen to radio episodes here) and then eventually the silver screen. In 1937, Republic Pictures released a Dick Tracy film series comprised of 15 episodes/chapters, each running about 22 minutes on average. And, thanks to Film Annex, you can now revisit them (for free) online at Above we have featured a video that gives you the entire series in one handy clip. It runs roughly 4 and a half hours (got an afternoon to spare?), and, please note, the large file takes some time to load. You can also watch, or even download, this file at The Internet Archive.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Dick Tracy: The Original Film Series Online | Open Culture
Author: Dan Colman