These are among a list of ten key areas for action drawn up by the 22-member board, after a peer review process. The list was requested by the EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, as input to her wide-ranging review of EU innovation policy. That policy will be published in early October, setting the stage for months of debate among the EU member-states about the future direction of EU R&D funding and policies.
The Commissioner called on ERAB to give her a list of actions she can focus on delivering at a conference which took place in May this year under the Spanish Presidency. “Provide me with at least ten concrete proposals on how research, innovation and science can contribute to address society’s grand challenges,” she told academics, industrialists and policy makers gathered at the meeting in Seville.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Science|Business ERAB sets out ten priority actions