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All the information and knowledge in the world will not help us unless we take time to reflect upon what we have learned and also do something with it. When I discuss personal knowledge management [a term that really needs to be changed and I welcome suggestions] I emphasize reflection through doing. In my case, this happens most often on my blog. Blogs are powerful tools for reflection.

  • Blogs act as the glue between our interactions with others, whether they be projects, meetings or conferences
  • Blogs are ways of mapping our personal learning journey
  • Every blog is unique and, over time, gives a whole-person view
  • Blogs encourage dialogue and help us relate to a wider audience and be more professional
  • Blogs provide peer feedback
  • Blogs can also be emotional and playful, to show and share our humanity

To read the full, original article click on this link: Harold Jarche » Using our knowledge

Author: Harold Jarche