Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

WheelingWhat's the best way to find opportunities? Create them!

Create WV is all about empowering our people and the businesses, schools, non-profits and governments they work in to create opportunities through innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.


  • Amazing keynote speakers
  • Six different tracks on business innovation, technology, diversity, education, quality of place and community resources
  • Four different pre-conference workshops on social media, sustainable innovation, thinking creatively and securing resources.
  • Exciting arts and music talent from all over West Virginia
  • Networking and side meetings with people you won't find at typical conferences!
  • The beautiful Oglebay Resort, museums, historic preservation and technology companies that make up today's Wheeling!

To read the full, original article click on this link: Create WV - A Conference to Help WV Create Opportunities