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Today's Globe column collects advice from local investors and entrepreneurs about raising money — specifically for first-time founders.

People shared far more insight with me than could fit into the printed column, so I'm posting some "bonus material" here.

- David Beisel, Founder, Web Innovators Group; partner, NextView Ventures

The one piece of advice I most often share with entrepreneurs fundraising is: tell a story. Even the most analytically-driven investor will ultimately base his decision on an emotional connection to the vision of the company. Fundraising shouldn't be just telling the what and how of the endeavor, but also the why. Of course all of the fundamentals must be in place for the company to succeed; but the deeper a narrative is intertwined in the pitch, the more likely an investor will become excited about the human element which is inherent in every startup.

To read the full, original article click on this link: More advice on raising money, for first-time entrepreneurs - Innovation Economy -

Author: Scott Kirsner