The Gap (GPS)’s decision to spike its new logo — which everyone hated — teaches us five things about brand management:
- Consumers own brands, not management. Your brand doesn’t exist, doesn’t have any equity, except what’s inside the minds of your best customers. You might feel your business needs to be rebranded or relaunched, but your opinions are irrelevant: You work for the company. You’re so “inside” you can’t see outside. Proceed with caution!
- Consumers are savvy about design in just the same way as they are about media and advertising. The 21st Century has really stripped the mystery from design and advertising. Most consumers have better software on their laptops today than professional designers had on their desktops 20 years ago. You can’t pass off lame work in quite the same way you could back in the day.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Things the Gap Logo Flip-Flop Can Teach You About Branding | BNET
Author: Jim Edwards