Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

You might be looking at your significant other right now thinking, “Why can’t you be cooler, hotter, more understanding, less understanding, more fun, less fun, better with people, more discerning, more fashionable, less fashion-obsessed … Well actually, why can’t you be more like me?”

From the folks that brought you YouTubeTimeMachine and in the same vein as, we present to you this concept taken one step further, I’ a site created by Justin Johnson that allows you to (um, self) indulge your wildest onanistic Photoshop fantasies.

Some of our favorites below. Happy Friday.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Ever Wish You Were Dating Yourself?

Author: Alexia Tsotsis