Ex-Apple CEO John Sculley fully admits he should have never been CEO of Apple in an interview with
Leander Kahney of Cult of Mac.
"Looking back, it was a big mistake that I was ever hired as CEO," he says. "The reason why I said it was a mistake to have hired me as CEO was Steve always wanted to be CEO."
The board wasn't ready to make Steve Jobs, then in his mid-20s, CEO. So it picked Sculley who was not the first choice. Here's why it was a mistake according to Sculley:
- "I came in not knowing anything about computers," he says.
- "My sense is that when Steve left (in 1986, after the board rejected his bid to replace Sculley as CEO) I still didn’t know very much about computers."
To read the full, original article click on this link: Ex-Apple CEO John Sculley: Here's How I Ran The Company Into The Ground
Author: Jay Yarow