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Launching Successful Innovation Task ForcesDuring the past 25 years I’ve seen a lot of innovation task forces come and go. Some of them looked good at the beginning and died a slow death. Some of them looked bad at the beginning and died a quick death. And some of them actually succeeded.

And so, at the risk of giving your task force one more task to do, please take a few minutes to review the following guidelines.

They will save you time. They will save you headaches. And they may even save your company…


  1. Quit now if you’re not really into it.
  2. Make sure everyone else on the task force really wants to do the work.
  3. Get completely clear on what your “task” really is. Clear, as in specific, with definable deliverables.
  4. Establish clear agreements at your first meeting. Otherwise, prepare for chaos, wheel spinning, indecision, and the corporate hoky poky.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation » 20 Tips for Successful Innovation Task Forces

Author: Mitch Ditkoff