Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Babson Venture Accelerator has been established at Babson College to support and advance student entrepreneurs in each phase of their startup venture-from opportunity exploration and pursuit with an action plan to the ultimate launch. The Accelerator has several levels:

* Exploring-Students generate and explore ideas, conduct research, and validate market opportunities. This involves industry and market analysis to determine the feasibility of an opportunity, an articulation of the problem, and the social and/or economic need. A feasibility study must be completed before moving to the next phase.

* Pursuing-Students shape the opportunity and create a plan of execution through market research, talking to customers, building prototypes, proving technologies, and building leadership teams.

* Launching and Growing - Ventures are launched and executed, and students "live" the experience; creating a revenue stream, finding investors, and marketing their products and services.

The Venture Accelerator is housed in Babson's Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship where Accelerator operations provide students with stage specific resources including:

* Dedicated Faculty Advisors
* Assessment Tools
* Workshops
* Open Lab Space
* Peer Group Collaboration
* Events
* Fundraising

Cindy Klein-Marmer, the Center's Manager of Entrepreneur Development,
oversees the Accelerator operations. Faculty advisors:

Phase 1. Robert Caspe
Phase 2. Caroline Daniels
Phase 3. Angelo Santinelli


Barbara Spies Blair

Associate Director, Public Relations, Babson College

Babson Park, MA 02457

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tel: 781-239-4621

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