Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

WHEELING - West Liberty University President Robin Capehart and Huntington-based hip-hop artist K-Kutta come from different backgrounds, but both believe entrepreneurship is key to West Virginia's future.

"We need job creators. We need people that have the will to go out and take a risk, like these gentleman have done," Capehart said of Kutta and Luke Glass, vice president of Morgantown-based, during the final day of the 2010 Create West Virginia conference Tuesday at Oglebay Park's Wilson Lodge.

Folks from all over West Virginia came to the Wheeling conference to help find ways to develop the state's new economy.

During the Tuesday panel discussion regarding the benefits of starting new businesses in the Mountain State, Capehart said West Liberty is making a commitment to ensuring students realize they do not have to work for someone else when they graduate.


Bendis' Presentation

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