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If Democratic Rep. Scott Murphy of New York loses his try for his first two-year term, it won’t be for lack of support from venture capitalists.

Murphy, a former venture capitalist, is the leading recipient of federal contributions from the National Venture Capital Association, garnering $20,000 during the current two-year election cycle from the NVCA’s political action committee, considerably more than the runner-up, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, (D., Ark.) who netted $12,000.

The NVCA’s VenturePAC had doled out $1.15 million as of the end of August, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which publishes Federal Election Commission filings on its website. The trade group has given twice as much to Democrats running for Congress as to Republicans, who are poised to make major gains in both chambers. The tally was $366,500 to Democrats and $159,500 to Republicans in House races, and $114,500 to Democrats and $65,000 to Republicans in Senate races.

To read the full, original article click on this link: NVCA’s VenturePAC Embraces Friends In Congress - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

Author: Russell Garland