Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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OK, I was totally wrong about the MassChallenge.

harthorne2.jpgWhen John Harthorne (at right, in the yellow tie), Akhil Nigam and their team were running around town trying to drum up support for a competition that would bring start-up companies to Boston from around the world, my response was: do we really need another entrepreneurship contest? Doesn't every local school with a business class or two, from MIT to Babson to BU to Harvard, already run a contest of their own?

It also seemed unlikely that they'd be able to raise $1 million in prize money in the midst of a recession.

And when they announced the 111 teams that made it into the competition — and would receive free office space on the Boston waterfront and mentoring from local entrepreneurs and investors — they included a handful of start-ups that seemed to me like they were on life support, having failed to raise money or come up with a workable business plan.

To read the full, original article click on this link: MassChallenge, For the Win: Cultivating All Kinds of Great Start-Ups (Not Just Webby Ones) - Innovation Economy -

Author: Scott Kirsner