America has lost its muchness. This is a real word, used by Lewis Carroll when the Mad Hatter tells Alice, “You’ve lost your muchness.” According to Webster, muchness means “the quality or state of being great in quantity, extent, or degree.” What it really means is the assuredness and confidence in ongoing greatness.
The United States loses its muchness on a regular basis, but what’s truly remarkable is that we find it again — even when it looks like it’s gone for good. It happened in the 1970s during stagflation and Watergate, during the haunting year of 1968 with the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. It happened in the stock market crash of 1929, and that time we didn’t regain our muchness until the end of World War II. In every case, some people said America had lost its way. Whether they were right or wrong, we found our way again — and our muchness.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why We Need a “Muchness” President | BNET
Author: Dave Logan