Teens' interest in gadgets is at an all time high. Cell phones, once a privilege for the few, are now as frequent in a young person's life as school books. Game players are common, and most teens know how to use a computer.
A recent Pew Internet Research study found 75 percent of children aged 12-17 own a cell phone. Six years ago in it was 45 percent. The same Pew study found the average teen sends 50 text messages per day.
Yet despite heavy use of technology, a majority of teens are less likely to pursue a career in the fields that allow for its existence. Youth interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics -- the "STEM" fields -- has suffered a major decline since the tech boom (and subsequent bust) of the late 1990s.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Searching For The Next Generation Of Tech Innovators
Author: Gabriel Perna