Movie maker James Cameron announced today that he will make two more Avatar movies as follow-ups to the biggest blockbuster of all time. That’s going to be a good thing for Silicon Valley because Cameron is the biggest advocate for the advancement of 3D technology and he has invented many cool 3D technologies that will be useful to the rest of the technological world.
Cameron made the announcement on stage at the Churchill Club dinner Wednesday night in San Jose, Calif.
With the creation of Avatar, which generated $2.8 billion in worldwide box office receipts, Cameron was able to convince the world that 3D movies can be phenomenal in big movie theaters. Over the course of 12 years, he invented new 3D movie cameras that are now commonly used. Those cameras are nine-axis, servo-controlled cameras. As a rig gets close to the subject, the two cameras filming the person also move closer together so that the net result is viewable.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why two more Avatar movies will be good for tech innovation | VentureBeat
Author: Dean Takahashi