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The Europe 2020 Strategy puts forward as a key priority for the Union the promotion of a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy. This Memo presents an abridged look at industrial competitiveness in SE Europe's EU Member States drawn from the report Member States competitiveness performance and policies. The main objective is to analyse industrial competitiveness and to present the policy measures Member States carry out to improve their competitiveness and, by implication, the competitiveness of Europe as a whole.


Bulgaria’s real effective exchange rate depreciated slightly from its 1999 level to 2005 but appreciated strongly from 2005 to 2009, indicating significantly decreased competitiveness. Bulgaria was confronted with one of the biggest drops of manufacturing output in the European Union during the crisis. It fell by almost 35%, but regained 17% in July 2010.

Towards an innovative industry: According to the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) 2008, Bulgaria has an innovation performance below the EU average.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Business News : Overview of Competitiveness in SE Europe's Member States