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chemicals Message to Seventh Generation: Seven Rules Not to BreakWith its strong environmental mission and its consistent brand communication through its “Protecting Planet Home” campaign and numerous other channels, Seventh Generation has been considered a top green business leader. A recent challenge by P&G showed the vulnerability of the Seventh Generation position. With the new FTC rules more clearly defining green terms, the recommendation to be totally transparent is more important than ever.

Procter & Gamble challenged a Seventh Generation commercial that they said implied Seventh Generation products did not contain hazardous chemicals and were all natural referenced in an article on While I do not have the details to know whether P&G’s claims were valid, in the National Advertising Division (NAD) review they found P&G and Seventh Generation’s products contain hazardous chemicals and that Seventh Generation refrain from making false claims that their products are all natural. While a child cleaned with a Seventh Generation product the commercial announcer said “no one holds their breath while cleaning” and also said “people everywhere are saying no to hazardous chemicals…and yes to a safe and naturally effective way to clean”.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Message to Seventh Generation: Seven rules not to break

Author: Kathy S. Cox