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The homepages of Baidu and Google are seen on a computer screen in this illustration photo April 29, 2010. REUTERS/Bobby YipSAN FRANCISCO (Venture Capital Journal) - DCM and Sequoia Capital China are betting they can take a successful model and apply it in China.

The two firms have invested $20 million in a Series A round of funding in Vipshop (, an online retailer in China, similar to the U.S.-based Gilt Groupe or the European-based Privalia and Vente Privee. The companies sell high-end apparel and accessories for discounts in limited-time opportunities, what's known as flash sales.

The funding of Vipshop is the Beijing-based company's first institutional round of funding. Vipshop, founded in 2008, had previously raised a small amount of money from friends and family, according to DCM General Partner Tom Blaisdell.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Chinese startups copy U.S. counterparts | Reuters

Author: Alastair Goldfisher