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Founded by Rich Bendis

The car’s stopped! Within seconds you’re opening the passenger door of the vehicle.

A short conversation ensues about where both parties are headed. But in truth the verbal exchange simply masks the more important stuff, because the decision to accept a lift is never a small one. You’re checking out their appearance and the state of the vehicle; you hear their tone; you smell the air. And if they’ve got company, there’s many more judgements to make.

Sometimes the decision is easy and delightful. For example, whilst hitching north of Aberystwyth I opened the door of a large Mercedes only to set eyes on a world rugby legend sitting behind the wheel. Then there’s the bizarre, like the time I slung back a minibus door to be greeted by a group of singing builders (who had a curious passion for scaffolding) . And of course, the real challenges; this is when your sixth sense (which is only developed through experience) tells you something isn’t right.

To read the full, original article click on this link: | Learn about the parallels between hitch hiking and starting and running a successful business