We’ve created almost a dozen PDF downloads (eBooks) here at Small Business Trends over the past few years. Typically these are compilations of tips or advice from readers like you. One of the things we are learning is how to use images to make these PDFs more interesting and appealing.
Our first attempts had rudimentary formatting. They looked like Microsoft Word documents, with our logo dropped in. Basic — but not exactly scintillating to the eye. More recently we’ve tried to make these PDF downloads interesting by using one or a few carefully chosen images. We usually go for royalty-free stock photography and images that we purchase. We can get high-quality professional images in a wide range of subjects, styles and colors. We don’t have to worry about copyright issues, because we know when we purchase them that we will have the right to use them without the need to pay ongoing royalties.
To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Create Awesome PDF Downloads with Interesting Images
Author: Anita Campbell